Harrington Sound, Bermuda

Harrington Sound
Primary outflows Flatt's Inlet
Basin countries Bermuda

Harrington Sound is a large inland body of water in the northeast of the main island of Bermuda. It is surrounded by the main island on all sides, only appearing open to the ocean via a small channel called Flatt's Inlet in the southwest. Much of the sound's water flows to and from the ocean via subterranean cavern systems, notably Crystal Cave and Leamington Cave.

Harrington Sound is surrounded by the parishes of Smith's, Hamilton, and St. George's. It is well known for fishing, swimming, sailing and kayaking.

The sound was named for Lucy Harington, Countess of Bedford. It is the lowest point on the Bermuda sea platform, although the actual depth has yet to be determined. A U.S. Geological survey team attempted a depth-check operation in June 1998, but didn't possess the equipment to reach the bottom, leading to some local superstition that the crater is in fact, bottomless. Its geological origins are uncertain, though it is confirmed as the volcanic crater through which the Bermuda Isles erupted. There are numerous small islands in the sound, notably Trunk Island.

Unfortunately, as Bermuda's human population (and fishing) has increased there has been an equivalent drop in the populations of the sound's formerly abundant shellfish, such as Bermuda Scallops.